1. How did you begin working in the wonderful world of design?
I was actually an electronic music producer. When I first got a contract with a label, they wanted to release my album, but the cover they proposed sucked so I had to design my own. I had an interest in taking photos and manipulating them and decided to make my own. The label loved the design and we kept doing it for other artists. So I began designing and making music in parallel. Later on I learned that I would need a website, so I learned to code, got into UI and UX, and got a degree in Computing Science and Multimedia. Now I am doing designs daily and no music at all.
I was really good at learning software, learning the right tools, and using programs like Ableton, Logic etc. I applied that ability to learn in design as well and then it became all about practice and consistency and dedication to get better.

2. What is the purpose of design?
Well I believe that there are two sides of design. There is design to solve problems, and there is design as Art. People confuse the two. I prefer to use design for both art and solving problems.
I believe the purpose of design is to solve a problem, or make you feel good or attracted to whatever someone is trying to sell even though it might be subjective as an art piece.

3. What is good design?
I don’t believe there is such a thing as “good design” in general, but I find myself spending hours working on something, and when I look back at it months or years later and I want to change something I think that’s not a good design.

What I would call a “successful design” would be something that you look back at after a long time and it is still doing its purpose and you would not change it. Design has to be modular as well, change with time, but it’s main purpose is to always be the same.
4. What is a particular design school or aesthetic you admire?
I love Minimalism, because I believe it’s very difficult.
5. What do you believe about design that other’s don’t?
I believe that design has to solve a problem or it has to make you happy, to please you aesthetically, or make you feel good.

6. Can you describe your personal style?
Referencing Baugasm: Personally I love colors, gradients and typography, but I don’t like to call it a “style.” I see it as a product, I believe artists and designers who have a certain style and get stuck with it, are boring. Their art or work will always be the same. I struggle with this a lot because I try to keep it fresh which is a challenge. I see it as a product, so I see it as something that has to evolve over time.

Having a style is like getting married. I don’t have anything against marriages but you have to make a commitment and stick to it for long time.
7. What are you working on now?
Many things, but I just released a collaboration with Adobe, designing the 2018 loading page for Adobe Illustrator CC.

I also just did a project with Coca Cola

I’m creating more tutorials on SkillShare regarding how I make the posters for Baugasm as well.
8. What does the future of design look like to you?
I don’t know I can’t predict anything :-)
9. What is your favorite design resource or inspiration?
I love talking to people and seeing their perspective on things, I get a lot of messages on Instagram and I communicate a lot with other designers, I think talking about design is the best source of inspiration.
Where can people find your work!?
Instagram Baugasm
Vajen’s Personal Account
Skillshare tutorials
Visual Designer. Working to make a better internet.
Vasjen’s Personal Website

Thanks for reading ❤
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This series was designed by Vasjen Katro, Visual Designer of Baugasm