ewis Howes is a small town boy from Ohio (who didn’t see any potential for his future) and is now a New York Times Bestselling Author, entrepreneur and host of global top 100 podcast The School of Greatness with millions of followers across various platforms.
Lewis is here to remind you that your dreams matter because YOU Matter! Never forget that, but you must learn the wisdom, skills and tools to write your own story. Be the hero you were born to be. Start the journey now because the world needs us all!
1. What is the purpose of education?
Education is supposed to teach us the life skills we need to thrive and understand each other as humans.

2. What is the greatest problem facing our world today?
We are out of touch with ourselves, our greatness, our potential, and each other.
3. What is one way in which you think we could solve it?
It starts with self-awareness, self-compassion, and belief in ourselves. We have to be willing to do the work to create this within ourselves.
4. What is the one fundamental belief you hold true?
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

5. What does the future of education look like to you?
I see the internet providing free, quality education, content, and inspiration available to the whole world for those who are hungry to learn.
6. What new technology is going to change the way we learn?
I’m really excited about where digital video/audio technology is headed including VR, social media, and YouTube.
7. What is your greatest ambition?
To become the greatest version of myself so that I can serve the maximum number of people to become the greatest version of themselves.
8. What are the three books everyone must read?
9. Who is one historical or public figure (alive or dead) that you admire and why?
I really look up to The Rock and what he has created from nothing. His mindset, positivity, and consistent hustle is extraordinary and proves to anyone what is possible if they really work for it.

Thanks for reading ❤️
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This series was designed by Vasjen Katro, Visual Designer of Baugasm