he fact of the matter is I have produced every single piece of content for my personal brand from the very beginning and continue to do so today: 1,000+ episodes of Wine Library, 150,000+ Tweets, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and EVERYTHING else.

But since my brand has grown, and VaynerMedia has gone from 20 employees to 800+, I now have a a large team of content producers, video editors, designers and project managers to help.

I recently hired Colin Campbell to help me write. Colin and I produce an article most days (M-F), collaborating on concepts best suited for the written word.

Everything remains 100% original and entirely my POV. He and I establish titles based on themes I continually express. He then formulates a list of questions in order to interview me whenever I’m free.

The thing I love the most is the eternal chase. Beyond interviewing me, Colin has become aligned with my thoughts by consuming every | piece | of| content | I | create along with studying my every move.

He spends his days at VaynerMedia analyzing old Youtube videos, following my Twitter feed, and re-reading my Instagram copy to understand how I think and feel. Once he finds something good, we work together to expand each concept in order to create an engaging, entertaining and informative piece.

The most difficult element is securing my time and attention. As you all know, my days are often scheduled by the minute, so creating space for a 7:30am call or an 11:30pm text is frequently the way things work. I often find myself answering questions while walking off stage from a keynote, on the way to the airport, or in between meetings each day.

Whether he’s helping me produce an AMA, answer questions on Quora during an interview, refining my Monday Newsletter, or producing content for Medium, GaryVaynerchuk.com, LinkedIn, Facebook or Apple News, Colin is here to help tell my story.

From articles like My Life & Legacy, How To Network on Instagram DM & How To Start, Colin and I collaborate to produce the best written content we can.

Our newest project, “Crushing It” coming soon is a Medium publication coinciding with my new book, celebrating stories of personal and professional success inspired by my work.

He interviews me, I answer, and we have an article. ;)

Just wanted to let you all know.

If you want to learn more about my content strategy, read this article from 2016.

With love,


Sep 5, 2017
Articles for Gary

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