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Colin Campbell


#1 Thing Tesla Can Do To Reach 1 Trillion

The Logical Next Step For Elon & Innovation
Articles for Gary

Sales Vs. Branding

All about strategy and reveal some of the most important insights that I have about the difference between Sales and Branding.
Articles for Gary

The Straightest Road to Success

I don’t care if you want to hustle or if you want to buy the Jets. My advice is tried and true; find your happiness to win. I need you to do what makes you feel good. I need you to reverse engineer your own wants and needs.
Articles for Gary

How To Have Zero Expectations

Having zero expectations is a statement I make that is often misunderstood.

The New School For Entrepreneurship

There is no question in my mind that we are going to start re-evaluating what it means to learn and how one can acquire knowledge and experience in the real world. I’m not here to condemn education, but I’d like to give you my point of view to clarify where I stand on this issue.
Articles for Gary

It’s The Message Not The Medium

Listen, this question is never going to go away but I wanted to share my thoughts because It’s about the message not the medium.
Articles for Gary

The Hack: Having a Media Company Mentality

The truth is, there is no reason to do anything other than act like a media company in today’s digital age.
Articles for Gary

Put Yourself in Your Customers Shoes

I just don’t understand salespeople. There’s one trait they’re all missing. It comes down to empathy. Are you able to put yourself in the other person’s shoes?

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